Summer Transfer Window - Asa Griffits joins Kronos AV West Sussex

Summer Transfer Window - Asa Griffits joins Kronos AV West Sussex

Summer Transfer Window - Kronos AV summer signing announcement!

We are pleased to announce that Asa Griffits will be joining the team at Kronos AV in our Staplefield, West Sussex Store as Regional Sales Manager in July.

Asa writes, "I am delighted to be joining Kronos AV and I am looking forward to getting to know all the wonderful customers. I love talking about music and hifi, and I am excited by the selection of brands Kronos AV represents and I am eager to learn all I can about the nuances of the various curated products in store - There really is some great kit that I can't wait to get my hands, and ears, on!"

Asa brings a wealth of experience having worked in the Audio industry for over 25 years at the likes of Sevenoaks, Harrods, Armour Home, and Oranges and Lemons. Originally from North Wales, Asa now lives with his family in nearby Lindfield. Asa is a keen Artist, D.I.Y-er, and Hi-Fi enthusiast with an eclectic taste in music... 

"I like to keep my vinyl collection to an edited core of some of my favourite albums, it is mostly Jazz, and singer/songwriter - with a few other eccentric albums too, quite a few Japanese imports- nothing quite sounds like a good vinyl set-up, but, I also love the journeys that a good digital music system can lead you on, I can lose hours just following the bassist from one track or album to the producer on another and discovering artists I would never have known about"

David Campbell, Kronos AV Managing Director writes: " I am delighted to welcome Asa to the Kronos AV team. Our West Sussex store has been growing rapidly in size and popularity over the last few years, and we feel Asa is the perfect guy to lead the store forward. Asa has a huge wealth of knowledge and is highly skilled in offering system upgrades and tweaking the sound to individual tastes. We really hope all of our customers can call down soon and meet Asa." 

We look forward to welcoming Asa in store from the beginning of July, so you will hear more from him directly very soon. In the meantime do feel free to drop him a line at If you have any questions or want suggestions about your current setup or next upgrade, or to arrange a time to pop in to the store for a coffee and a chat. 

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