The introduction of Avalon Acoustics is a truly remarkable prospect for us at Kronos AV. Over our many years, we have worked with a huge variety of different speaker companies, however Avalon is certain to be one of the most engaging. The opportunity to work alongside this Colorado based business has the team very enthusiastic, aiming for great highs - hopefully as high as the Rocky’s!
Delving deeper into the source of our excitement starts in the same place as all our brands, with the musicality. Anyone reading this already knows the immense performance of the Avalon range. A truly immersive musicality that provides sublime dynamics and impactful bass . Some of our senior members at Kronos AV have had several instances witnessing these speakers in a variety of environments, every time leaving us with jaw dropping expressions. For the team, this is such an exciting opportunity to supply a rich, exquisite sound to our customers.
Of course we are also very pleased to be adding another set of reference speakers to our ever growing product range, and the addition of Avalon is a fantastic fit. As we hope to grow as a business, we also hope to bring a greater variety of truly exceptional HiFi to our customer base. We hope in future to add further to this list, and in the hopes of securing more brands that replicate the heights of Avalon Acoustics.
Apart from performance, the aesthetic is of course another major draw for our team. Avalons remarkable design style changes the conventions of what the HiFi industry is so accustomed to, and we here at Kronos AV heavily encourage it. We are also excited to see speakers try new and daring approaches, moving away from cuboid cabinets, however when we find companies who do this while retaining very high quality performance, well that is why we get truly excited. The very unique take in design is what really draws us into Avalon Acoustics, and pairing this with high quality finishes - and in some cases fully customisable - and exceptional build quality, well it’s just the perfect synergy.
Overall, this opportunity is a very encouraging and motivating prospect, as we hope to provide customers with phenomenal speakers through the Avalon Acoustic brand. This new range of reference products invites greater possibilities, and hopefully newer customers who are not challenged to invest in truly great sound, because at the end of the day, can you really put a price on great music? Turns out yes you can, just search Avalon!